- The different types of fossils and how they are formed;
- The information we can gather from fossils;
- Practical activities and group work looking at evolution, the work of palaeontologists and changes through geological time;
- The use of virtual reality headsets to explore fossils.
- develop key knowledge about fossils;
- explore the work of palaeontologists;
- work together to solve problems.

- describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped within rock;
- recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago;
- learn about the range of jobs carried out by people they know, and to understand how they can develop skills to make their own contribution in the future.
Each session is a minimum of 1.5 hours, we can be flexible in providing back-to-back sessions across the school day delivering to different class groups. This could allow 2-3 class groups to take part in a full day delivery.
State & SEN discounted* to £250/ half day discount of 10% for same day £475/ full day
Independent Schools £600/ full day.
* As part of SATRO's charitable purpose
We may have funding available to support your ability to take part in this workshop particularly for schools with high levels of Pupil Premium/SEN. Please enquire when booking.