Skills & Competencies: 80% of volunteers reported benefits for communication, influencing and relationship skills with over half reporting benefits for leadership and decision-making.
Motivation & Mission: 79% reported improvements to their sense of mission at work as a result of volunteering in education and 68% reported greater motivation at work.
Productivity & Career Gains: 26% report greater productivity at work, with 44% of them reporting manager recognition for the impact of their volunteering. More than a third even said volunteering helps them apply for different or more senior roles.
Making a Difference: over 99% describe impacts for young people and 94% felt they gained a better understanding of society and social issues.
- Widen access to inspiring STEM learning;
- Develop better citizens with good understanding of STEM for the future;
- Teach vocational construction skills lacking in the curriculum but needed in the workforce;
- Support life skills development for disadvantaged and special needs students;
- Challenge perceptions of employability and career pathways;
- Support young people to gain confidence in their aspirations.
- Sharing skills and expertise with the next generation;
- Engaging with and giving back to their local community;
- Delivering employer engagement in schools;
- Supporting the development of the workforce in the region;
- Engaging in outreach as part of their own professional membership;
- Supporting their organisation's Corporate Social Responsibility/Environmental Social Governance/Social Value goals.
- A workshop in school supporting a specific topic or skill;
- A careers event improving skills and knowledge of the work of work;
- An event bringing multiple schools together for a challenge or festival;
- Join a community based mentoring project in a local school.
- Our bigger events such as business games, structures challenges offer a fun opportunity to bring a diverse team from your organisation to share skills and support delivery.
- Joining one of our Careers events linked to a specific programme eg. STEM or Construction or a Careers networking event where we get as many different job roles together eg. finance, HR, procurement, legal, manufacturing, marketing etc.
- Our mentoring programme offers the opportunity for a team of employees to work with a designated school to deliver a full academic year of 1:1 mentoring.
- We can partner with you to deliver a corporate challenge day that uses your staff's skill and expertise to bring together a number of schools to undertake a challenge related to your business whilst learning about the wider industry.
- Provide a summer research project placement for one or more A-Level students by providing a topic and staff time to mentor the students involved over a 2-4 week period. We seek projects that provide real benefit both the organisation and the student.
- Support us develop new workshops or events on the issues of the day or specific skillsets that will encourage students to broaden their horizons in STEM, Construction or Business skills.
- Broaden young peoples' horizons and raise their aspirations;
- Excite children about subjects, increasing motivation, confidence and attitude to learning;
- Challenge gender and social stereotypes;
- Improve academic attainment at GCSE;
- Increase young people's earning potential;
- Reduce the likelihood of young people becoming NEET after 4 or more encounters with employers.

- We will always tell you what to expect prior to volunteering and provide volunteer briefings or necessary training;
- We have a robust safeguarding and volunteer policies to ensure both students and volunteers feel safe and supported;
- You will receive a pack of instructions ahead of the event and will have a designated point of contact;
- Our workshops and events are professionally led by an experienced SATRO member of staff with business and education experience who will guide you through the day;
- After the event we will provide feedback from teachers and students which can be used directly for your own social responsibility reporting;
- We recognise corporate support through our online presence and charitable impact reporting.
- You can sign up to our monthly e-newsletter to find out more about upcoming volunteer opportunities and we will keep you updated with what is going on in SATRO more widely.
- We recognise the contribution of our volunteers at our annual SATRO Awards (postponed in 2020 and 2021 but hopefully returning in 2022).
If you would like to become a volunteer, please fill out the form below and note if you would like to receive our monthly bulletin and/or additional information about yourself and your interests.