Regional Skills Agenda
SATRO's work in schools is aligned to the regional skills plan and the fundamental place that aspirational work in schools plays for our local economy.

Stakeholder Working
Regional Skills Development
SATRO work with businesses across the region who are looking to inspire the next generation to consider careers in their industry. This may be where there is a skills gap, or introducing jobs with new technology or skills areas. It is widely recognised that extending and developing careers learning as early as primary school inspires an interest and raises aspirations particularly for jobs that are not well understood by the wider community. Also it enables us to link careers learning to local market information young people are encouraged to consider employment in their own region with a knowledge of what is available.
SATRO has developed a number of challenges and workshops that relate directly to specific industries or technologies. We aim to deliver them in a universal way in which those students who have not expressed a specific interest also have an opportunity to learn about them. This provides a wider base within the student population from which the employees of tomorrow can grow.
We work with regional skills clusters and with both single or groups of companies in a particular industry. Bringing their up-to-date knowledge and information together with our expertise in engaging to students at all ages we create meaningful and impactful delivery together.