Girls into STEM
An event focused on encouraging young girls to consider a career in STEM with role models from industry who bring real-world experience.
Gatsby Benchmarks:
This activity helps towards meeting the following Gatsby Benchmarks: (GB4) linking curriculum learning and careers and (GB5) encounters with employers.

Years 7-11
How the day works?
The event provided opportunities to talk to employees in industry and learn more about the applications of STEM and the careers on offer:
- Exhibits from industry, public bodies and research organisations
- Workshop or industry challenge
- Careers networking
Run by a SATRO STEM Tutor the event can respond to different focus areas e.g. engineering or technology and can be linked to local industries to bring real-world career path information.
Feedback from a previous event run with Fluor Engineering showed that:
- 73.6% of girls attending say that they would actively consider a career in STEM,
- 88% felt that talking to employees in STEM jobs helped them think about their futures.
How you can get involved
We are looking for corporate partners to host additional Girls Into STEM days and expand the number of girls who have this opportunity to learn about potential future career paths and participate in activities that raise their aspirations and build confidence.
If you would be interested in hosting groups of girls from schools local to you please get in touch with Jane Sheridan via the link below.