Shapes make Structures

Pupils will work in pairs, one class at a time, to design and build structures.  They will gain an understanding of 2D and 3D shapes.

Curriculum Topics: materials, forces, design


Years 1-2

How the day works

Students will work in pairs, one class at a time, to develop an understanding of how shapes make structures. The activity will be differentiated by age and ability.

During the day, students will: 

  • Learn about 2D and 3D shapes
  • Using Knex to build understanding structures
  • Take part in a skyscraper challenge
  • Use feedback to identify faults and improve their model.

Students will also work on transferable skills:

  • Explore problems by thinking about the advantages and disadvantages of possible solutions;
  • Keep trying when something goes wrong and encourage others to keep trying too;
  • Work with a positive attitude to new challenges;
  • Work well with others and support others if you can.

How much does it cost?

Delivery can be flexible by age group, for example an hour for KS1 to 1.5 hours for KS2.  We can be flexible in providing back-to-back sessions across the school day as part of a full day booking to deliver to different class groups. 

Please contact us to discuss specific requirements to cover different classes or year groups as delivery can be flexible to meet needs.  


State Primary & SEN discounted*

  • £500/ full day
  • £275/ half day 
  • Bookings on 2 consecutive days 10% discount
  • 3 or more bookings made in same enquiry 20% discount

Independent Schools £600/ full day, £330 half day


* As part of SATRO's charitable purpose  


We may have funding available to support your ability to take part in this workshop particularly for schools with high levels of Pupil Premium/SEN.  Please enquire when booking.